Monday, September 17, 2012

The Pioneer- Dilli Billi -16th.Sept.2012 -"A Broad problem that needs solution"

"A Broad problem that needs solution"

Travelling abroad has become increasingly embarrassing with Indians being asked by foreigners why India is becoming a ‘scams State’. High time we end this global derision.

I was abroad last week. Most people wanted to know what was happening in our country. Unfortunately I, for once, had to leave many questions unanswered and face embarrassing moments. I feel sad for the Indians who live outside. With scams after scams coming out of the closet, with politicians screaming and yelling in Parliament and with crime against women on the rise, I can now understand how helpless they feel when someone quizzes them about the state of affairs in India. And this, despite Prime Minister Manmohan Singh having a clean image and being respected all over the world.

Two years back, while travelling abroad, one got respect because India was shining in every sphere — our economy was booming and there were no scams. We were considered to be the fastest growing nation. Today, we are labeled at a ‘scam nation’. More the scams, the poorer the image of our country. Murders, rapes, thefts, dowry deaths and female foeticide are issues making international news. One doesn’t know how to answer or explain to foreigners, and to Indians abroad, why the Government is seemingly so helpless and unable to solve the problems facing India?

Everything is in a disarray. The aam aadmi is disillusioned. His dream that the Government would solve his problems and that corruption would be wiped out is in shatters. He had seen a glimmer of hope with the burgeoning of anti-corruption movements but that too lie shattered. The public has lost faith in the leadership. It is frightening.

The sad part is that in the second stint of UPA-II, every scam is bigger than the last one. The common man is tired of parties like the Congress and the BJP. He feels that the two largest national parties are hand-in-glove with each other. As for what happens in Parliament — the aam aadmi doesn’t even want to talk about it. He is ashamed to see how a political party with just two or three MPs is able to hold the Government to ransom.

The public feels let down and cheated by every member sitting in Parliament. The fact that scams are being unearthed during Manmohan Singh’s tenure shows how he has failed. The public wants to know why a person with such a clean image allows corrupt Ministers into his Cabinet?

Congress workers claim that they would not get seats in three digits in the 2014 General Election. It appears that the Congress would be happy to sit in Opposition and relax for the next five years. With the amount of salary hike and perks that leaders have given themselves, they would be able to lead a comfortable life. Not to forget the fact that some of them have ensured that nobody in their family needs to work for many generations to come.

Even the industrialists are busy making money and transferring it to foreign banks. They take all the benefits from the Government and when it is time to return the favour, they simply move their place of business. They are insecure with the situation at home so they invest in companies abroad.

Meanwhile, MNCs who were wanting to set shop in India have put all their projects on hold. If the present situation continues, the day is not far when nothing would be in Government’s control. A lot is expected from the young politicians but, for now, they are in pause mode.

One hopes that when the time comes for them to hold the reins, they would come out as honest, hardworking and sincere leaders with respect for the country and its citizens.

One wonders how our leaders feel when they are asked to comment on the situation in India? Do they get embarrassed? Or, do they just ignore the question and move forward?

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